Gene Zaroothian was once a former legendary bounty hunter who is now the Bounty Hunter's mentor and handler, and a main character in High On Life.
- After the house was warped from Earth to the city at the beginning of the game, the protagonist and Kenny search for Gene in Blim City. There is a building with a huge advertisement of Gene, but they start asking around where they can find him. It turns out that Gene has seen better days and has been evicted and is now living on the streets. He offers a deal, in return for his help he'll gain ownership of the protagonist's house if they die. Gene eventually offers the protagonist to try on the bounty hunter suit and the mission Get Help begins.
Gene is a purple reptilian-like alien with three eyes, one of which is off-color and limp. He wears a white, stained tank top and green pants tied off at the knees. In High on Knife, his legs have started to grow back, and his eye is healing.
Gene is a ex-bounty hunter who got evicted from his apartment. when he moves into the Bounty hunter’s House he can be rude and kind of a dick, he is definitely sassy at times. He can be careless at times, but he sometimes shows signs of being concerned for the player and even for Lizzie when she hooked up with Tweeg saying that his species are not to be trusted. Throughout the game, he starts to show that he cares and he’s bad at hiding it, even when before the bounty hunter leaves the house to take down the final boss by saying “good luck, don’t you dare fuckin’ die on me”. In the DLC High on knife, we see that Gene still has his sassy personality. Gene leaves the bounty hunter voice calls while they look for Knifey’s package, and it’s obvious that Gene misses the player by what he’s saying, and he sounds more concerned and worried for the bounty hunter later on in the game. After the bounty hunter comes back, Gene tries to comforts Knifey by reminding him that he already has a family, and that him and the rest of the gatlians and bounty hunter love him and accept him as a part of their family.
Gene was once a strong and famous Bounty Hunter before getting his legs severed below the knees. This handicap caused him to give up Bounty Hunting and be evicted from his apartment, likely due to no longer having a job. The player then finds him sleeping on a park bench in Blim City and he then takes up crashing on your couch.
- Gene has a limited knowledge of different species due to him having sex with numerous aliens.
- He has installed multiple devices in the house, including the Bounty 5000, portal, locked doors and the cable.
- Gene has been married 30 times before, none of these relationships lasting.
- Gene says his species did not develop with evolution and that his planet "got things right the first time."