High On Life Wiki

Gus is a Gatlian and a weapon in High On Life the player finds after killing Krubis.

He has a Disc Shot ability, that can be used to create platforms on specific walls to climb obstacles. His disc shot ability shows up in the HUD as HUD SpecialAbilityIcon Gus.


Gus largely resembles an anthropomorphic frog. He is green with two bulging eyes and a large mouth that is bulging outward. He has 3 Magenta gills on each side in front of his eyes. He has two hands and on the Front of him, he has tentacle-like limbs which at the center shoot Discs and has a Vacuum ability.


He's chill, he's nice. He's a living shotgun with a vacuum built in - all in the standard stuff you want out of a Gatlian. You can rely on him in close-range combat and to suck up bullets heading your way. He can launch discs into walls or decapitate enemies with them. He has Acrophobia.


Upgrades and mods[]

Name Price Location
Ammo Sac 1200 Pesos Mr. Keeps OR as a Luglox reward in Old Town on Port Terrene / Upper Valley on Zephyr Paradise.
Discbladder 800 Pesos Mr. Keeps - or as a Luglox reward in Deep Jungle on Zephyr Paradise.
Reload Tract 1500 Pesos Mr. Keeps
Pelletspleen 1500 Pesos Furwaggle Farms or a Luglox reward in Old Town.
Burst Suction Mod - Luglox reward from Blim City/on top ofSpace Applebee's
Goopsuck Mod 1500 Pesos Mr. Keeps
Flak Mod - Luglox reward. Zephyr Paradise/Jungle Clearing


  • Gus: I bet travelin' the galaxy like this is a bit of a culture shock for you, huh? Not too long ago you didn't even know aliens existed and now you've killed more than you can name! Hmm. Maybe you should see a therapist.
  • Gus: Hello? You goin' to the bathroom or somethin'? Just pissin' in that suit, huh?
  • Gus: I get it, you're tired. Let's just stand here in silence for a bit.
  • Gus: Hey, takin' it slow. I like it.... but uhhh, let's get a move on soon, yeah?
  • Gus: Hey, uhh... you still there?
  • Gus: Did you zonk out for a bit? I mean, I don't blame you. Maybe I'll follow your lead and catch some Z's.
  • Gus: You must have a lot to think about... Take all the time you need. Process everything.
  • Gus: Is it naptime?
  • Gus: So you're just gonna stand there? ...You're not even gonna sit and rest your legs for a bit?
  • Gus: Alright, I'm feelin'- not to be pushy, but I'm feelin' a little exposed here...
  • Gus: Hey, don't let those knees lock up. You could faint... a-and you might drop me.
  • Gus: Promise me we'll take a break soon and just go for a nice walk or somethin' I love killin' aliens, don't get me wrong, but we gotta remember to take care of ourselves from time to time, y'know?
  • Gus: Do you really need me out right now? I was kinda thinkin' I could go meditate or somethin' for a bit. Go ahead, swap me out for another gun. I can just chill and take it easy for a bit.

  • Gus: I get it, I'm not your favorite Gatlian. I know, I know, I know. It's all good though!
    • Gus: Not gonna let me take a break, huh?
    • Gus: Whew, I'm so down to clown, man.
    • Gus: Ohhh, look who needs me!
    • Gus: Somebody got a problem with us?
    • Gus: So you finally need me again, huh?
    • Gus: Oh hey. What's been goin' on out here?
    • Gus: Yo, yo!
    • Gus: Some people need no introduction. Here I am.
    • Gus: Alright, finally! It's been a hot second.
    • Gus: Let's do this!
    • Gus: Let's do this shit!

  • Gus: Shit, partner. You look dead as hell.
    • Gus: Ah, guess we lost, huh? I REALLY thought we were gonna win...
    • Gus: Hey.. hey, sorry you died and all but can you drop me before rigor mortis sets in? S-So I can be free?
    • Gus: Do you think they're gonna bury us together?
    • Gus: Alright cool. I-I'mma play dead too.
    • Gus: If you see my mom up in heaven, tell her you know me. She'll hook you up.
    • Gus: Don't do it! Don't go towards the light, partner! We still got shit to do!
    • Gus: I don't know about you, but I'm gonna inch the fuck outta here.
    • Gus: Partner, I need you to stay with me partner! Don't die on me right now! Don't you die on me!



    • Gus is the only Gatlian to have arms.
    • If you use Gus in the last pipe puzzle for Dr. Joopy, he'll become more suspicious of Joopy actually being Douglas.
    • Gus is afraid of heights and does not like using the Jetpack.


