Gus is a Gatlian and a weapon in High On Life the player finds after killing Krubis.
He has a Disc Shot ability, that can be used to create platforms on specific walls to climb obstacles.
His disc shot ability shows up in the HUD as .
Gus largely resembles an anthropomorphic frog. He is green with two bulging eyes and a large mouth that is bulging outward. He has 3 Magenta gills on each side in front of his eyes. He has two hands and on the Front of him, he has tentacle-like limbs which at the center shoot Discs and has a Vacuum ability.
He's chill, he's nice. He's a living shotgun with a vacuum built in - all in the standard stuff you want out of a Gatlian. You can rely on him in close-range combat and to suck up bullets heading your way. He can launch discs into walls or decapitate enemies with them. He has Acrophobia.
Upgrades and mods[]
Name | Price | Location |
Ammo Sac | 1200 Pesos | Mr. Keeps OR as a Luglox reward in Old Town on Port Terrene / Upper Valley on Zephyr Paradise. |
Discbladder | 800 Pesos | Mr. Keeps - or as a Luglox reward in Deep Jungle on Zephyr Paradise. |
Reload Tract | 1500 Pesos | Mr. Keeps |
Pelletspleen | 1500 Pesos | Furwaggle Farms or a Luglox reward in Old Town. |
Burst Suction Mod | - | Luglox reward from Blim City/on top ofSpace Applebee's |
Goopsuck Mod | 1500 Pesos | Mr. Keeps |
Flak Mod | - | Luglox reward. Zephyr Paradise/Jungle Clearing |
- Gus: I bet travelin' the galaxy like this is a bit of a culture shock for you, huh? Not too long ago you didn't even know aliens existed and now you've killed more than you can name! Hmm. Maybe you should see a therapist.
- Gus: Hello? You goin' to the bathroom or somethin'? Just pissin' in that suit, huh?
- Gus: I get it, you're tired. Let's just stand here in silence for a bit.
- Gus: Hey, takin' it slow. I like it.... but uhhh, let's get a move on soon, yeah?
- Gus: Hey, uhh... you still there?
- Gus: Did you zonk out for a bit? I mean, I don't blame you. Maybe I'll follow your lead and catch some Z's.
- Gus: You must have a lot to think about... Take all the time you need. Process everything.
- Gus: Is it naptime?
- Gus: So you're just gonna stand there? ...You're not even gonna sit and rest your legs for a bit?
- Gus: Alright, I'm feelin'- not to be pushy, but I'm feelin' a little exposed here...
- Gus: Hey, don't let those knees lock up. You could faint... a-and you might drop me.
- Gus: Promise me we'll take a break soon and just go for a nice walk or somethin' I love killin' aliens, don't get me wrong, but we gotta remember to take care of ourselves from time to time, y'know?
- Gus: Do you really need me out right now? I was kinda thinkin' I could go meditate or somethin' for a bit. Go ahead, swap me out for another gun. I can just chill and take it easy for a bit.
- Gus: Not gonna let me take a break, huh?
- Gus: Whew, I'm so down to clown, man.
- Gus: Ohhh, look who needs me!
- Gus: Somebody got a problem with us?
- Gus: So you finally need me again, huh?
- Gus: Oh hey. What's been goin' on out here?
- Gus: Yo, yo!
- Gus: Some people need no introduction. Here I am.
- Gus: Alright, finally! It's been a hot second.
- Gus: Let's do this!
- Gus: Let's do this shit!
- Gus: Ah, guess we lost, huh? I REALLY thought we were gonna win...
- Gus: Hey.. hey, sorry you died and all but can you drop me before rigor mortis sets in? S-So I can be free?
- Gus: Do you think they're gonna bury us together?
- Gus: Alright cool. I-I'mma play dead too.
- Gus: If you see my mom up in heaven, tell her you know me. She'll hook you up.
- Gus: Don't do it! Don't go towards the light, partner! We still got shit to do!
- Gus: I don't know about you, but I'm gonna inch the fuck outta here.
- Gus: Partner, I need you to stay with me partner! Don't die on me right now! Don't you die on me!
- Gus is the only Gatlian to have arms.
- If you use Gus in the last pipe puzzle for Dr. Joopy, he'll become more suspicious of Joopy actually being Douglas.
- Gus is afraid of heights and does not like using the Jetpack.