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High On Life Wiki

Knifey is a sentient knife and melee weapon in the game that used to belong to Gene until he gave him away to the Torg Family. He is later retrieved by the player bounty hunter from being sold. He is also the only usable melee weapon in the game and the only way to open Luglox chests.

Knifey plays a role in various objectives to complete melee tasks from the Bounty Hunter Forum.


Knifey Tether Item

Knifey tether.

Knifey has a red colored head with a grip that appears to be wrapped with leather, two large eyeballs (the right one being larger than the left) and a sharp silver blade. When Knifey is used as a tether, an intestine-like rope would be released out from the head with the blade at the end of it. Knifey also enable the players to reach areas normally inaccessible in terms of height, as well as swinging across obstacles.


An Australian speaking knife, Knifey derives pleasure from murder and looks to satisfy his thirst for blood and is also foul mouthed. But he does have a better side witch he shows with the Bounty Hunter and the Gatlians. First shown when he agrees to keep Kenny's secret about leading the G3 to Gatlus after he accidentally revealed it to him. And when the other infuriated Muckilon deliveries to help retrieve his package he is genuinely sorry for getting them dragged into his personal drama. The DLC High on Knife shows that being separated from his home planet caused him to grow lonely and homesick and he desperately wants to find a way home to his family and is deeply hurt by their rejection of him. But eventually accepts his new friends as his family after a short psychotic breakdown.



He used to pal with Gene but he ended up getting snatched from the hands of him by 9-Torg. Before the Bounty Hunter proceeds to go to the slums, Gene asks the Bounty Hunter to get his Knife. In the slums, when the Bounty Hunter gets to the Laundry Mat, he overhears two Ant Goons and Knifey. The Bounty Hunter bangs on the door and says he's the buyer and the Ant Goons tell the Bounty Hunter how bad Knifey is and proceeds to pick him up. Knifey thanks the Bounty Hunter. He then asks him to stab the Ant-Goons. After he stabs the Ant Goons, he tells the Bounty Hunter to decapitate Gene because of what he did. After the 9-Torg bounty, he tells the Bounty Hunter to stab Gene, if you do, Knifey will start insulting Gene for leaving him with 9-Torg.


The Bounty Hunter stabbing Gene with Knifey

The bounty Hunter stabbing Gene with Knifey



  • He is voiced by Michael Cusack, known for voicing Rick in the Australian parody Bushworld Adventures and Mammon in Helluva Boss.
  • According to his ability's description, Knifey's tether ability causes him permanent brain damage every time he uses it.
    • He will also occasionally yell in pain when using the tether ability.
  • Prior to High on Knife, it was unknown if Knifey was a subspecies of Gatlian or an entirely different species. According to the current DLC, it is revealed to be the latter with Knifey belonging to a seperate race of sentient, peace-loving knives.
  • Knifey is used to collect body parts from bounties, the parts include:
  • If you wait an hour in the waiting room before the Nipulon boss fight, Knifey will question his origins as either related to the Gatlians and believes he has his own home planet, which is confirmed with High on Knife.
  • Knifey is the leading role in the DLC "High on Knife".


