The Torg Family is a small-time crime family of Torgs formerly led by 9-Torg who run the slums of Blim City. They are minor antagonists in High On Life.
The Torg Family is a territorial family who seems to be aggresive if one trespasses their hideout, However as stated by Kenny They Aren't Usually Aggresive before the Bounty Hunter got to The Slums. After 9-Torg is killed, 5-Torg states that The Player is now a friend of the Torg Family, But That Is Proven False During The Dr.Giblets Bounty
- 7-Torg
- 13-Torg
- 3-Torg
- 8-Torg
- Due to most of the Torgs being killed, the Ants decided to join the G3.